Goodbye stuck.  Hello hope.


CoCreate Your Future


Next group journey starts

May 12th 2025

(or 1-2-1 anytime you like)

This 6 week group coaching programme is designed to get you out of feeling stuck and hopeless and step into opportunity and possibility.

Is 2025 the year when you're going to take leadership of your own life and live it on purpose rather than have life 'done' to you?

Book a call with me to explore if this is right for you

What really matters to you?

Begin to see the wood for the trees, reframe your current situation, deepen your self awareness and uncover what drives you, what's REALLY important to you.  Getting in touch with the inner you is likely to be the most important work you ever do.

Tap into your strengths and hurdle your roadblocks

Understand your strengths and superpowers, get in touch with what you love and learn how to get out of your own way. By creating your inner compass,  you can move forward in the direction of possibility and opportunity.

Be CoCreative

Step into a creative mindset, unleash the wellspring of possibility. Connect with a network of like-minded leaders for support & inspiration. Feel part of a community of fellow CoCreatives taking leadership in their lives and making steps towards their hearts desires.

I've been stuck like you and now I live a life rich with possibilities.

If you'd like to lift yourself from the stuckness and think you'd be inspired to go on an exciting journey with a small group then book a call with me with now to explore whether this is the right next step for you.

I'm Ursula Capell I'm the So...What Next? coach.   I specialise in helping people who are stuck take leadership of their own life by stepping into their creativity and the possibilities of something better.


The CoCreate your Future framework

  • A 6 week programme (with an important and essential 2/3 week pause for incubation of ideas - this is BIG work)
  • Maximum of 8 people who want to get unstuck (OR do it 1-2-1)
  • 6 x weekly group coaching sessions LIVE on Zoom.
  • Weekly on-line teaching videos with downloadable accompanying resources 
  • Community chat for all participants with support from me throughout the duration of the programme
  • .... all housed on an easy to use digital platform where you can monitor your progress, get support and share your thinking with other people on the journey.


Week 1 & 2: Create head space. Reframe our current situation. Take stock and reconnect with purpose and values. 


Week 3 & 4: Discovering our strengths, unapologetically owning our talents, understand what trips us up and gets in our way.


2 weeks: after Week 2 & Week 4 This is big work that needs time to filter through the fascia of our beings. 

PART 4: Commitment

Week 5 & 6: Developing possibilities, bringing it all together.  Creating some micro steps, personal manifesto and an action plan.

Book a call to find out more